It goes without saying that love letters are personal. What you say to your loved one should come from the heart and be very specific to your relationship. Getting an “I love you, Babe,” is fine for everyday, but if you are going to write it for the maximum heart-opening-factor, it’s a good idea to give your love letter some extra zest. Here are five ways to make a letter a L-O-V-E letter.
ONE: Create a special greeting
You could say “Dear Sam”– but it would be even better if you used a term of endearment, nick name or other kind of personal greeting, such as a reference to an inside joke you both share. Get your love letter moving in the right direction right off the bat.
TWO: Get specific about your lover’s qualities
It’s 200% true that everyone loves to hear themselves being complemented, especially by someone who knows them the best. Tell them what you love about their heart and mind, as well as their looks.
THREE: Dive into your relationship
Answer questions like these: What does this relationship mean to you? How has it changed your life? What kinds of things are you able to enjoy/do better/appreciate now that this special person is in your life?
FOUR: Share a favorite memory in your love letter
If this letter is going to be saved and savored for years, perhaps decades, share a special story that your lover may or may not know. “The first time I saw you I….” “Remember that day we went to the park for a picnic…”
FIVE: Express a hope
Let your love letter delve into the future. What do you hope for the two of you? It could be next week, it could be five years from now, or 20. What kinds of things are you looking forward to exploring and experiencing together?
Need some romantic stationery? Here are three of my favorites:

From left…
Florentine Letter Sheet — This gorgeous script lettering style is simply delicious. Try it in Black raised ink on Ivory paper.
Impression Oversized Note — slightly larger than our standard folded note, this one gives you plenty of room to write. Choose Silver raised ink on White Paper for a romantic combination that will stand the test of time.
Henley Monogram Wardrobe — includes letter sheets that are embossed with your initials in a lettering style of your choice. Try the Ivory paper and add an envelope lining in Opal Foil for a classic look.