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Choose Your Personalized Embossed Cards

Impress your friends with personalized Embossed Cards from EmbossedGraphics.com. Our embossing is the best in the business. We create a deep texture and crisp lettering and images to beautifully enhance your sentiment. They are perfect for thank yous, informal notes and longer letters.

Every design and theme is unique because your message is unique.

A Proven Attention-Getter

An embossed card is a traditional mode of communication. It conveys the dignified charm of a slower time. Available in white or ecru (also known as ivory) paper, these monochromatic cards are gorgeously elegant.

Make a meaningful sentiment. Grab their attention. Steal the moment. Captivate your audience. These cards will do it all. Personalized embossed cards make great gifts for bosses, colleagues, best friends, teachers, high school and college graduates, and just about anyone.